
公司成立于2021年,是全球范围内少数同时拥有全栈3D AIGC技术和自然语言生成式大模型技术的前沿人工智能公司。

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1、英语人物对话3-4分钟:标题是today's trends

   mary: hi,mike! We have been developing rapidly in the world whatever in any aspect.

mike:yeah, the development of the economy, ciety, culture and science and technology

mary: we live in the world ,and We know that the development trend of today is good

mike: yep,Let's hope it better and better

mary: hi,mike

虚拟人物对话教学英语,虚拟语气教案英文  第1张


   课堂多媒体教学是现代社会经济、科学技术与教育发展的产物,是实施素质教育的需要,是实施教改和开展课题研究的需要,是提高教师自身业务素质的需要,是加强教师备课程度,优化课堂教学过程的需要。英语课是一门实践性很强的课程,要我们在教学中充分运用各种手段,积极创造语言环境,使学生得到充分的听、说、读、写的训练。多媒体辅助英语教学的出现正是当今学科研究不断优化组合、不断融合的结果。下面我将结合自身的教学实践谈谈,在实际的课堂教学中我是如何运用多媒体技术给我的英语课堂添彩的? 一、多媒体在英语教学中运用所带来的优势 、多媒体信息量大且速度快的优势可帮助教师传递大量的信息,能提供多种形式的训练方法。从而可以大大提高学生在的单位时间内获取更多的信息,较彻底地分解知识技能信息的复杂度,减少信息在大脑中从形象到抽象,再由抽象到形象的加工转换过程,充分传达教学意图 。多媒体在使用上更加操作灵活,控制方便,教师可以真正做到以学生为中心的情景式教学,是现代教育所提倡的加强教与学的交流,调动学生主观能动性的有效形式。 二、我经常采取的多媒体教学模式 对于多媒体教学的优越性师生们有目共睹。在教学实践中你是如何去运用它于教学实践中呢?我认为多媒体教学的模式主要体现在下面五个方面: .课堂教学 这种模式能充分地利用多媒体的直观形式,有效传递大量的信息,综合训练各项语言技能。 、赶时髦 目前,在多媒体教学的实践中,无论是大学、中学、还是小学、甚至幼儿园,学校积极筹备资金建设多媒体教室,老师更是积极采用多媒体教学试验。学校和老师的这种积极态度我们应该肯定,这是毫无疑问的。但是,并不排除“赶时髦”和“盲目崇拜”的倾向。过分崇拜和依赖多媒体教学及全盘化的多媒体教学,不但发挥不出多媒体教学的优势,还有可能适得其反。 2、过分依赖多媒体 现代教学中,强调学生的主体性,发挥教师的主导性。可是在教学实践中,多媒体更多主导了整个教学过程,教师和学生几乎都“退居二线”成了被动的教和学。所以,使用多媒体教学时不能忽视教师在教学中的主导地位,更不能忽视学生的主体性。多媒体是现代教学工具,在教学实践中确实可以提高一定的教学效果,但把多媒体看成是提高教学效果的灵丹妙药,过多地追和利用多媒体的使用功能,过分的依靠多媒体教学形式,致使学生成了“看戏”者,教师成了“放戏”者,“演戏”的却成了多媒体设备及软件,教师和学生都丢失了自己。 3、“喧宾夺主” 使用多媒体为教学注入了许多活力,使长期困扰教师的某些过于抽象、死板单调的知识点和教学难点迎刃而解,然而如果将它们统统都用到教学中去,这样不但没有起到呈现知识点的作用,反而将学生的注意力吸引到无关的声音和动画上去。所以,对于多媒体有时用得不当和过度,反而会成为教学的干扰源,分散了学生的注意力。 总之,多媒体教学为提高教学效率、实现英语教学科学化创造了理想的条件。

虚拟人物对话教学英语,虚拟语气教案英文  第2张

3、求与virtual world有关的英文对话或讨论

   irtual World virtual world

The virtual world is by definitionwork world, now more and more people start indulging in a virtual spacework. Since it is virtual, and the cial reality of course there is a certain difference.

For example: online chatting only see text (video exceptions), and the lack of emotion that the facetoface exchanges. People like online games and virtual reality will be confused.

Communicationwork only through prolonged neglect real interpernal contacts, will make people badtempered and irritable, aggressive strong, leading to more serious drug abuse, crime, suicide rate of growth.

The generation gap generation gap

Generation gap this cial phenomenon has always existed, can not be avoided, when you find me of the things done by the elders let you fail to understand, it is likely that the reans for the gap.

They do little tricks behind you, of course, are good for you in me matters less follow many detours, but when you are found when you do not think , would you angry, and even they had a dispute.

If time and again, when one day you be their role, you will treat this as another of your children, then you have a gap in the next generation.

Therefore, the generation gap is inevitable, as long as the correct treatment can be.

虚拟人物对话教学英语,虚拟语气教案英文  第3张



Amon Goeth : Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago when elsewhere they were footing the blame for the Black Death, Casimir the Great called told the Jews they coulde to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city. They settled. They took hold. They prospered in business, science, education, the arts. With nothing they came and with nothing they flourished. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. By this evening those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.

To be or not to be, that's a question(生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。)——莎士比亚的,《哈姆雷特》

虚拟人物对话教学英语,虚拟语气教案英文  第4张